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What Causes Autism?
Autism Is A Complex Developmental Disorder. Interestingly, there are no two people with autism who are exactly the same. Even if they are twins! With such a complex disorder, the answer to ‘what causes autism?’ is also complex. Scientists believe that genetics and the environment play a role in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). So, let’s answer all of your questions.

All of Your Questions Answered In The Ultimate Need-To-Know Guide

Autism Is A Complex Developmental Disorder. Interestingly, there are no two people with autism who are exactly the same. Even if they are twins! With such a complex disorder, the answer to ‘what causes autism?’ is also complex. Scientists believe that genetics and the environment play a role in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). So, let’s answer all of your questions. 

Is autism genetic?

Yes, research suggests genes play a major role in autism. Digital brain Imaging studies have found that people with ASD have differences in the development of multiple regions of the brain. Research suggests that ASD could be a result of disruptions in normal brain growth very early in a child's development. These disruptions may be a result of defects in genes that control brain development and regulate how brain cells communicate with each other.

  • Research indicates that genetics are involved in the majority of autism cases.
  • Children born to older parents have a higher risk of developing autism.

Are parental practices responsible for ASD?

Nope! Don’t worry, your child didn’t develop autism because of your parenting style. It is also worth mentioning that autism is not caused by childhood trauma (But you should always be a good person and treat children with kindness and respect!).

Can medication or drugs cause autism?

There is some research in this area that says yes, but more research needs to be done. This is an area that researchers are currently exploring more. 

Do vaccines cause autism?

This is a hot-button issue. But the research-based answer is no. Extensive research has been completed on the topic of vaccines and autism. Research has indicated that there is no link between vaccines and autism. Therefore, scientists have found that vaccines do not cause autism. It is believed that genetics and the environment play a role in autism. 

Can a traumatic birth cause autism?

Yes. There is scientific evidence showing that natal trauma can significantly increase the likelihood of developing autism. Here are the facts:

  • Autism is more common in individuals who were born prematurely. 
  • In a study by Kaiser Permanente, research was conducted on 600,000 births. They found complications during childbirth may increase the risk of developing ASD by 10%. If complications started before labor, the risk was even higher.

Is autism more common in boys?

Statistically speaking yes. Boys Are 4x More Likely To Be Diagnosed With Autism than girls. 

If my first child has autism will my second?

It is possible. Parents that already have a child with autism are 2%-18% more likely to have another child diagnosed with autism. 

What about ASD in twins? When one twin is diagnosed with autism, then the chances of the other twin having an autism diagnosis are higher. Here are the statistics:

  • Identical twins: One diagnosed --> other 36%-95% chance of the same diagnosis.
  • Non-identical: One diagnosed --> other 36% chance of the same diagnosis.

Do autism symptoms get worse with age?

Maybe. Every autistic individual is different. The Symptoms Of Autism are life-long, and certain symptoms of autism may become more noticeable as a person ages. Early intervention is the key to providing successful treatment for autism at an early age. The point of early intervention is to provide appropriate treatment for an autistic individual to gain skills and be as independent as possible. However, autistic individuals benefit from treatment options at any age. 

Do autism symptoms get better over time?

Yes, symptoms of autism can change and improve with treatment. 

Can autism develop later in life?

No. There are no autism magic tricks here. ASD does not suddenly develop later in life. If a person seems to be exhibiting signs of autism later in life as an adult, they may have undiagnosed autism. The symptoms of autism are present in autistic individuals, but the symptoms vary from person to person. Certain Symptoms of autism may become more noticeable as a person ages (especially odd or limited social skills). If you or a person you know are exhibiting signs of ASD later in life, it may not be a bad idea to begin the diagnosis process. 

Is Autism contagious?

Nope! You will not catch autism if you are near an autistic individual. 

Can autism be cured?

Unfortunately no. Currently, there is no cure for autism, and it is not something you outgrow as you get older. It is a disorder that a person will manage throughout their lives

Is autism manageable? 

Yes! The symptoms of autism are manageable with the appropriate treatment options. 

The most common treatment options for autism currently used include: 

  • Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
  • Speech therapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Medications


Let’s continue the conversation…

Here at the LMAA (Learnmoreaboutautism.Com), we provide you with tons of resources for autism. For more insight into autism interventions and professional and parent supports, visit our sister site, Behaviorally Balanced

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