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Autism Screening
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Has your child shown some of the tell-tale signs of autism? Then you or your child’s doctor may have requested an autism screening. But what is an autism screening? Is there a medical test that can determine if my child has autism?
Diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorder
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Have you seen the signs of autism in your child? Observing some tell-tale signs of autism in your child can be alarming. So, let’s answer your questions about getting an autism diagnosis. 
What Causes Autism?
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Autism Is A Complex Developmental Disorder. Interestingly, there are no two people with autism who are exactly the same. Even if they are twins! With such a complex disorder, the answer to ‘what causes autism?’ is also complex. Scientists believe that genetics and the environment play a role in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). So, let’s answer all of your questions.
1 in How Many People Have Autism?  
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You may be thinking to yourself - “I feel like every time I turn on the news I hear that more people have been diagnosed with autism.” And, you are probably right. Autism rates are rising. It is not an autism epidemic, but it is an increase in the number of people diagnosed with autism.
How to Tell if Your Child Has Autism (And Important Next Steps)
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The most important thing you can do as a parent or caregiver is to become informed about typical developmental milestones children should reach and master learning the signs of autism. But, how do I know if a person has autism? What are the characteristics of autism? How can I tell if my child may have autism? Well, let's look at the signs.
What Is Autism?
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Autism, or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder that can vary drastically in severity. ASD can impact the way a person communicates, learns, and interacts with others. There is not just one type of autism. Instead, there are different subtypes. These subtypes occur because of a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Because ASD is a spectrum disorder, each person with autism has different strengths and challenges on this wide spectrum.